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Instructions for PC Users to Download Big Brother is Watching Screen Background

Note: File size is 179KB. Also note that this image is best viewed on a screen with a resolution of 1024 x 768 (or 800 x 600).
  1. Allow the entire image to load. Do not hit the ESC key to interrupt. If the image does not completely load, hit the RELOAD button.
  2. If you are using Netscape Navigator, or if you are using Internet Explorer, place the mouse pointer anywhere over the image below, hit the Right Mouse Button, and click the "Set As Wallpaper" command in the pop-up menu.
  3. I like to have the image in the center of the screen with room around it to arrange the icons on my desktop. However, if you want the image to fill your screen, (because it is only in the center, or it is tiled), go to the "Control Panel" and select the "Display" icon. There are two steps:
    • Select the Background Tab, and make sure the Wallpaper is set to "Netscape Wallpaper" or "Internet Explorer Wallpaper". Also, make sure the Display is set to "Center"
    • Select the Plus! Tab, and select the choice: "Stretch desktop wallpaper to fit to screen"
  4. That's IT! Enjoy your new wallpaper!
[b_bigbro.jpg - 179.09 K]

[SITEMAP OF MILLENNIAL RENAISSANCE IMAGERY] [Millennial Renaissance Imagery ~ www.mri2000.com] © 1997-2003 L. A. Bernstein, All Rights Reserved Worldwide. [Valid HTML 4.01!]
For any other questions, please contact the webmaster. [ Updated  03/24/03 @ 2:52:13 PM ]